Please disregard the utter nonsense that you are less valuable because you do not have a formal job or any at all, yet. Also, avoid like the plague the people who seem to suggest so. More importantly, actively mark these people out for their demonstrating their worthless scale of measuring your worth; by extension the worth of others, and by default, their own worth.
I hope that your period of unemployment teaches you that even when people claim sincerely that one’s value is not in their title, the money they earn, which organization they work for, or who they are associated with, they are just bluffing.
The truth is, for most people, things like your character, life experiences, passions, talents, gifts, values and personality do not count until you either have a formal job or your entrepreneurial and creative endeavors are paying hugely. For far too many people, your value is in what job you do, how much you make, who you are associated with, et–other-superficial-non-issues–cetera. This, you probably do not know to what extent it is true or only know so superficially, but nothing could be truer. It is the world’s stinking underbelly that only hitting rock bottom will let you see.
Finally, when you reach the better place where time will inevitably take you, do not forget to be kinder to others. Or you can take it a notch higher and get a better metre by which to judge a person’s worth, regardless of who they are, where they are and where they stand on the social ladder.
But you already are this kind of person. I just wanted you to know that you are not alone who thinks the way you do, and that you are well on your way to making a better leader, friend and family member.
Anna ❤️