MEET DIPAK MOSES: Photographer and Videographer


“I don’t know many things but this machine, I know this machine” He said, referring to his camera. That was the first time I heard him talk about his work.

Some people have difficulty getting past Dipak’s dreadlocks which is a shame because he is one of the most humble people I have ever encountered in my life. He easily makes top 5 and I cannot even name number 1-4 off the top of my head. Almost every photograph of mine worth writing home about on this blog and on my social media pages have been shot by Dipak. They really are the only professionally taken photographs that I have.

Believe it or not, I can be terribly shy sometimes. Or self-conscious. Or I have temporary lapses in my consciousness where I get self-esteem issues or challenges with my self-worth. Whatever it is, it is the thing that had kept me away from having my pictures taken for so long and it is the thing that keeps me away from having tailor-made clothes. This would not be bad if I did not want to have my photographs taken or if I did not indeed want to have tailor-made clothes, but I do and I always have.

Often it is the words to describe the kind of photographs that I want and the kind of clothes that I want that I lack. It is funny how I just get dumbfounded whenever I find myself in a position where I have to describe exactly what it is I want in a cloth or a photograph. I try, but as soon as I perceive that the person on the other end of my words does not seem to understand what I want, or worse, they are trying to force me to have something else, I start to get agitated. More often than not, this ends up in me getting irritated and abandoning the whole project entirely. If I choose not to abandon the project I almost always invariably regret the result, immensely disliking the photographs and the clothes.

So you can imagine how I felt when I met Dipak Moses, to whom I hardly had to explain anything but he just seemed to understand exactly what it is I wanted in a photograph. For the first time in my entire life I actually got to have the kind of photographs that I like and that first invitation to have those photographs taken was from him. He helped me to slowly come out of my shell and the rest, as they say, is history. Though mine is a fairly recent one, it has completely changed my taste in photographs. I could not possibly return to anything less in quality and soul.

Dipak Moses being a great photographer is without doubt but what makes him exceptional is that he is first and foremost a good person. He delivers on time and never below expectations. He is versatile and an avid nomad; not afraid to get his hands dirty or his feet moving. One day he is in Mbale, the next Gulu, the other day Mbarara and yet another day, Kotido.

I greatly recommend him for all your photography and videography needs.

Dipak’s work ethic and commitment to excellence are high up there. That means that if you value these things, then you should call him up.

His email address is:

Telephone contact: +256701565895

You can also find him on Twitter and on Facebook either on his Personal profile or on his Page.

N.B. All Photographs in this article are from Dipak’s facebook wall, except the one where I am with him.


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14 thoughts on “MEET DIPAK MOSES: Photographer and Videographer”

  1. You just reminded me of the scripture give honour where its duem Dipaknwe do love you amd you are a gift to many of us. Dr Anna, thank you for reminding us treasure looks good gonna shelf displayed not kept in a basement away from eyes. I second all you have said in this blog.

      1. Thank you Dr. Anna.
        Yes, he is all you have said, and an amazing son.
        Dipak May God extend your tent and increase your influence.

  2. Moses Dipak is amazing or as I call him Dipak. Everything he does is mind blowing. His commitment is out of this world. I had tears down my face just reading this. Thank you Dr. Awilli for telling a little bit about him in a profound way. Am so proud of how far you have come Dipak. P/s everyone should be contacting this fella, e-mail: Promise you won’t revert your decision.

  3. Dipak makes you fall in love with photography, I still treasure the pictures he took of me,they bring memories to life. Indeed he knows that machine.

  4. Banange nze I don’t know where to start from, what to say and what not to say. One word in this life can yield to matter my experience with Mdipak photography and Dipak as a person. To everyone, a grace was given. To Dipak, it’s beyond photography or videography, it more like a memory frozen with all its life intact. I have a music video with Dipak called “Kaloosa”(y’all should check it out) and it is only amazing how we always use the most simple things to create unimaginable experiencez. I love you so much Dipak, you are anointed for this.


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