You love a good story? Here is where mine comes from.

Photograph by Dipak Moses

My name is Anna Grace Awilli. I am an exuberant and vivacious young, field and biker veterinarian in Uganda. At the time of making this post, I am the Veterinary Officer of Kacheri Sub-County in Kotido district in the North-eastern Karamoja region of Uganda. Though I have the tendency to sometimes see it only later in hindsight, I live an exciting life.

I often said that I wanted to be a veterinarian so that I could have time “to do my other things”. Going by those words alone, I am living my dream.

I am a Veterinarian who writes, has hosted a few events, and on a personal learning journey to having lasting impactful influences on the communities I serve and on people in my life. Specifically, I work in self-isolation to develop projects that place power in the hands of the people in the community I serve. I dicuss these and more in upcoming posts.

From now on, this is the place I tell my story. Welcome to my blog.

Dr. Anna Grace Awilli


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9 thoughts on “You love a good story? Here is where mine comes from.”

  1. Oh wow. Super happy to even get more of you here Dr. Anna. This is an extremely exciting time to have writers like you. I enjoyed every line and sentence I read. The jump was so worth it. We are hear. Loyal fans. Keep going.

  2. Thanks Anna Grace for sharing your story. What you do; is definitely not for the faint hearted. Keep going @superwoman

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