Coming to even deeper terms with the reality that people come and go

If there is one area in which I have been tested severally, until I have had nothing to do but get used to it, it is in the area of losing people. This has been going on for so long that where I am now, I have basically accepted that anybody can go at any time. And no, I do not refer to death- physical death, that is, but the inevitable coming and going of people that we once knew.

Yet, it seems that it has all been so tactfully executed that each time after I lose someone, the next person to go is ever the more closer than the previous one that I just lost. This, I had pretty much made peace with and hardly gave it a thought whenever it happened until recently, when the removal started to get a little bit too close for comfort. Just like I had done when this experience of losing people had just started to happen, I found myself clamoring for the people that I saw leaving, to stay.

Not for long, though.

Much as it feels different this time, owing to the nearness of intimacy; and much as it has been rather unexpected, I have been awake enough to see the facts and not get my thinking clouded up out of a failure to see what it is that I need to see and consequently act accordingly.

In addition to lessons from the past, I understand that there is not anything I could possibly do to salvage a relationship that has set itself on a way out; – and even when these relationships have been pretty close, the same principles would still apply.

We need to see people for who they are and not who we desire or wish them to be.

Anna Grace

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